Source Separation#

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Goal of the Task#

Music source separation aims to isolate individual musical elements, such as vocals, drums, bass, and other instruments, from a mixed music track. This task is different from general source separation due to the unique challenges posed by musical compositions:

  • Musical sources are highly correlated and often change together over time, leading to overlapping frequencies and synchronized timing that make separation challenging.

  • Music mixing involves complex, non-linear effects like compression and filtering, creating a mixture where individual stems are not combined in a simple, linear way.

  • Ambiguity in defining musical sources complicates separation; for example, a “guitar” source could mean electric or acoustic, rhythm or solo, and similar sounds like a plucked ukulele and pizzicato violin may still belong to different stems, reducing the model’s real-world accuracy.

For end-user applications, the quality of source separation must be high, as listeners expect clear and accurate results from these systems. For example, in a band setting, isolating a specific instrument, like the bass guitar, allows musicians to practice along, while extracting vocals can enable karaoke applications.

Formally speaking, music source separation can be defined as:

\[ y(t) = \displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{N} x_i(t). \]

where \(y(t)\) is composed of \(N\) sources \(x_n(t)\), for \(n=1...N\).

The underlying challenge in music source separation is that musical signals are highly correlated, meaning multiple sources, like instruments, often change in harmony or in response to rhythmic patterns in the track. Moreover, music recordings undergo complex, non-linear processing during mixing, where reverb, filters, and other effects alter each instrument’s natural characteristics. As a result, music source separation is often an underdetermined problem, where the number of sources exceeds the available observed mixture channels, making it mathematically complex to isolate each element independently.

This tutorial will outline the main characteristics of music source separation, providing a foundation for further exploration of open-source tools and datasets. For an in-depth review of available resources and methods, see the”Open Source Tools & Data for Music Source Separation”.

Additionally, in this section we introduce the concept of conditional learning, an approach in which input \(x\) d is processed differently based on an external context \(z\). This enables a single model to adapt its behavior dynamically, allowing the separation process to respond flexibly to diverse condition.

How is the Task Evaluated?#

Three commonly used metrics for evaluating music source separation are Source-to-Distortion Ratio (SDR), Source-to-Interference Ratio (SIR), and Source-to-Artifact Ratio (SAR). These metrics assess the quality of a system’s output by analyzing how well it isolates each target source from undesired elements.

Given an estimate of a source \(\hat{s}_i\), it can be decomposed as follows:

\(\hat{s}_i = s_{\text{target}} + e_{\text{interf}} + e_{\text{noise}} + e_{\text{artif}}\)


  • \(s_{\text{target}}\) is the true source component,

  • \(e_{\text{interf}}\) represents interference from other sources,

  • \(e_{\text{noise}}\) is the noise, and

  • \(e_{\text{artif}}\) accounts for artifacts introduced by the separation system

Using these components, we can calculate the three evaluation metrics:

  • Source-to-Artifact Ratio (SAR): This metric quantifies the level of unwanted artifacts in the estimated source relative to the true source. A high SAR value indicates fewer artifacts. It represents the algorithmic artifacts of the process.

\[\text{SAR} := 10 \log_{10} \left( \frac{\| s_{\text{target}} + e_{\text{interf}} + e_{\text{noise}} \|^2}{ \| e_{\text{artif}} \|^2} \right) \]
  • Source-to-Interference Ratio (SIR): SIR measures the amount of interference from other sources in the estimate. This metric is helpful for understanding the extent of “bleed” or “leakage” from other instruments. It represents the interference in the isolation from other sources.

\[ \text{SIR} := 10 \log_{10} \left( \frac{\| s_{\text{target}} \|^2}{ \| e_{\text{interf}} \|^2} \right) \]
  • Source-to-Distortion Ratio (SDR): SDR provides an overall measure of the estimate’s quality by comparing the true source to the combined distortions (interference, noise, and artifacts). Higher SDR values indicate a better overall quality of separation, and it is often reported as the primary performance measure. It represents the overall performance of the separation.

\[ \text{SDR} := 10 \log_{10} \left( \frac{\| s_{\text{target}} \|^2}{ \| e_{\text{interf}} + e_{\text{noise}} + e_{\text{artif}} \|^2} \right) \]

All three metrics are calculated in decibels (dB), with higher values indicating better performance. For instance, if SDR is 1 dB better, then the distortion is 1 dB less (target is constant) 3dB means the “distortions” are two times more quiet. They require access to ground truth isolated sources and are computed over short, windowed segments of the signal for finer temporal accuracy.


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