Autoregressive Generation#

In this tutorial, we demonstrate a practical implementation of musical audio generation using an autoregressive Transformer model and discrete audio representations obtained from a neural audio codec. We focus on the guitar subset of the NSynth dataset and use EnCodec representations to train our model. The full code can be found in the corresponding Notebook.

EnCodec Neural Audio Codec#

EnCodec [DefossezCSA23] is a neural audio codec that compresses audio signals into discrete latent codes, achieving high compression rates while maintaining audio quality. It encodes audio into a sequence of discrete tokens using quantized latent vectors from multiple codebooks. This transforms the continuous audio generation problem into a discrete sequence modeling task, suitable for autoregressive models like Transformers.


Figure 1: Overview of the EnCodec architecture and training. The input audio is encoded into discrete tokens using residual vector quantization (image source: [DefossezCSA23]).

To use EnCodec for our task, we first encode our dataset into discrete token sequences.

!pip install encodec

from encodec import EncodecModel
from encodec.utils import convert_audio

# Load the EnCodec model
codec = EncodecModel.encodec_model_24khz()
codec.set_target_bandwidth(1.5)  # Set target bandwidth in kbps
LEVELS = 2 # 2 for bandwidth 1.5

# Function to encode audio into discrete tokens (schematic from DiscreteAudioRepDataset)
def encode_audio(waveform, sample_rate):
    # Add batch dimension
    waveform = torch.tensor(waveform, dtype=torch.float32).unsqueeze(0)
    waveform = convert_audio(waveform, sample_rate, codec.sample_rate, codec.channels)
    with torch.no_grad():
        encoded_frames = codec.encode(waveform)
    # we linearize the codebook
    codes = encoded_frames[0][0].contiguous().permute(0, 2, 1).reshape(-1)
    return codes.flatten()


Figure 2: Linearization scheme for the EnCodec tokens in our example.

Preparing the Dataset#

We use the guitar subset of the NSynth dataset, encoding each audio file into discrete token sequences by initializing the DiscreteAudioRepDataset and the DataLoader.

# Download the NSynth guitar dataset
!git clone
!bash ./test-lfs/ NSYNTH_GUITAR_MP3

# Load the NSYNTH dataset and prepare DataLoader for training and validation.
audio_folder_train = "./NSYNTH_GUITAR_MP3/nsynth-guitar-train"
audio_folder_val = "./NSYNTH_GUITAR_MP3/nsynth-guitar-valid"

dataset = DiscreteAudioRepDataset(root_dir=audio_folder_train, encoder=codec,
                                  lazy_encode=False, max_samples=-1)

dataset_val = DiscreteAudioRepDataset(root_dir=audio_folder_val, encoder=codec,
                                      lazy_encode=False, max_samples=-1)

# Create Dataloaders for training and validation.
dataloader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=125, shuffle=True)
dataloader_val = DataLoader(dataset_val, batch_size=125, shuffle=True)

Transformer Model Architecture#

We use a classic Transformer decoder with rotary positional embeddings from x_transformers to model the sequence of discrete tokens autoregressively.

The model predicts the next token given the previous tokens.

!pip install x-transformers

from x_transformers import TransformerWrapper, Decoder

model = TransformerWrapper(
    num_tokens=1024,  # Vocabulary size from EnCodec
    max_seq_len=250,  # Maximum sequence length

Training and Inference#

Training Objective#

The model is trained to minimize the cross-entropy loss between the predicted token distribution and the true next token in the sequence:

\[ \mathcal{L} = -\sum_{t} \log P(y_t^* \mid y_{<t}) \]

where \(y_t^*\) is the true token at time \(t\), and \(y_{<t}\) are the previous tokens.

Training Loop#

We train the model using teacher forcing, where the true previous tokens are provided as input during training.

import torch

criterion = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=1e-4)

for epoch in range(num_epochs):
    for batch in dataloader:
        start_tokens = torch.zeros((batch.shape[0], 1))
        batch =[start_tokens, batch], dim=1)

        logits = model(batch)
        logits = logits.permute(0, 2, 1)
        pred = logits[..., :-1]  # All tokens except the last
        targets = batch[..., 1:]  # All tokens except the first
        loss = criterion(pred, targets)

Inference and Generation#

During inference, we generate new sequences by sampling tokens one at a time from the model’s output distribution.

LEVELS = 2 # 2 for bandwidth 1.5
generated = [start_token]
for _ in range(seq_length):
    input_seq = torch.tensor([generated]).long()
    logits = model(input_seq)[:, -1, :]
    probs = torch.softmax(logits, dim=-1)
    next_token = torch.multinomial(probs, num_samples=1).item()

generated_sequence = torch.tensor(generated[1:]) # Remove start_token

# reshape to de-linearlize (into sequences of 2 Levels)
codes = generated_sequence.view(1, -1, LEVELS).transpose(1, 2)

# Decode into waveform
decoded_audio = codec.decode([(codes, None)])


In this tutorial, we demonstrated a simple implementation of musical audio generation using an autoregressive Transformer model and EnCodec representations. By encoding audio data into discrete token sequences, we transformed the audio generation problem into a sequence modeling task suitable for training with cross-entropy loss and sampling from a multinomial distribution.

Key Points:

  • Neural Audio Codec (EnCodec): Compresses audio into discrete tokens, enabling training using cross-entropy loss and sampling from a discrete distribution.

  • Autoregressive Transformer: Models the probability distribution of the next token given previous tokens.

  • Training with Cross-Entropy Loss: Trains the model to predict the next token in the sequence.

  • Sequence Generation: Generates new audio samples by sampling tokens from the model.

This approach leverages the strengths of both neural audio codecs and autoregressive sequence models, enabling efficient audio generation in a compressed latent space.