To help understanding what a dataloader should provide, we use a top-down approach.
We start from the central part of the training of a deep-learning model.
It consists in a loop over epochs
and for each an iteration over batches
of data:
for n_epoch in range(epochs):
for batch in train_dataloader:
hat_y = my_model(batch['X'])
loss = my_loss(hat_y, batch['y'])
In this, train_dataloader
is an instance of the pytorch-class Dataloader
which goal is to encapsulate a set of batch_size
paris of input X
/output y
which are each provided by train_dataset
train_dataloader = = train_dataset,
batch_size = batch_size,
shuffle = True)
is the one responsible for providing the X
and the y
It is an instance of a class written by the user (which inherits from the pytorch-class Dataset
Writing this class is probably the most complex part.
It involves
defining what should the
return (theX
for the model) andprovides in the
all the necessary information so that__getitem__
can do its job.
It involves defining
what is the input representation of the model ? (
can be waveform, Log-Mel-Spectrogram, Harmonic-CQT),where to compute it
compute those one-the-fly in the
?pre-compute those in the
and read them on-the-fly from drive/memory in the__getitem__
In the first notebooks, we define a set of features in the
package (feature.f_get_waveform
, feature.f_get_lms
, feature.f_get_hcqt
We also define the output of __getitem__
as a patch (a segment/achunk) of a specific time duration.
The patches are extracted from the features which are represented as a tensor (Channel, Dimension/Frequency, Time).
In the case of waveform
the tensor is (1,Time), of LMS
it is (1,128,Time), of H-CQT
it is (6,92,Time).
To define the patch, we do a frame analysis (with a specific window lenght and hope size) over the tensor.
We pre-compute the list of all possible patches for a given audio in the feature.f_get_patches
It involves mapping the annotations contained in the .pyjama file (such as pitch, genre or work-id annotations)
to the format of the output of the pytorch-model,
, (scalar, matrix or one-hot-encoding) andto the time position and extent of the patches
It involves defining what is the unit of
in the__getitem__(idx)
For example it can refer toa patch number,
a file number (in this case
represents all the patches a given file) ora work-id (in this case
provides the features of all the files with the same work-id).
Below is an example of such a dataset
We first get all the information ready.
class TagDataset(Dataset):
def __init__(self, hdf5_audio_file, pyjama_annot_file, do_train):
with open(pyjama_annot_file, encoding = "utf-8") as json_fid: data_d = json.load(json_fid)
entry_l = data_d['collection']['entry']
# --- get the dictionary of all labels (before splitting into train/valid)
self.labelname_dict_l = f_get_labelname_dict(data_d, config.dataset.annot_key)
self.do_train = do_train
# --- The split can be improved by filtering different artist, albums, ...
if self.do_train: entry_l = [entry_l[idx] for idx in range(len(entry_l)) if (idx % 5) != 0]
else: entry_l = [entry_l[idx] for idx in range(len(entry_l)) if (idx % 5) == 0]
self.audio_file_l = [entry['filepath'][0]['value'] for entry in entry_l]
self.data_d, self.patch_l = {}, []
with h5py.File(hdf5_audio_file, 'r') as audio_fid:
for idx_entry, entry in enumerate(tqdm(entry_l)):
audio_file= entry['filepath'][0]['value']
audio_v, sr_hz = audio_fid[audio_file][:], audio_fid[audio_file].attrs['sr_hz']
# --- get features
if config.feature.type == 'waveform': feat_value_m, time_sec_v = feature.f_get_waveform(audio_v, sr_hz)
elif config.feature.type == 'lms': feat_value_m, time_sec_v = feature.f_get_lms(audio_v, sr_hz, config.feature)
elif config.feature.type == 'hcqt': feat_value_m, time_sec_v, frequency_hz_v = feature.f_get_hcqt(audio_v, sr_hz, config.feature)
# --- map annotations
idx_label = f_get_groundtruth_item(entry, config.dataset.annot_key, self.labelname_dict_l, config.dataset.problem, time_sec_v)
# --- store for later use
self.data_d[audio_file] = {'X': torch.tensor(feat_value_m).float(), 'y': torch.tensor(idx_label)}
# --- create list of patches and associate information
localpatch_l = feature.f_get_patches(feat_value_m.shape[-1], config.feature.patch_L_frame, config.feature.patch_STEP_frame)
for localpatch in localpatch_l:
self.patch_l.append({'audiofile': audio_file, 'start_frame': localpatch['start_frame'], 'end_frame': localpatch['end_frame'],})
def __len__(self):
return len(self.patch_l)
We then pick up the information corresponding to an idx
, here the unit is a patch
def __getitem__(self, idx_patch):
audiofile = self.patch_l[idx_patch]['audiofile']
s = self.patch_l[idx_patch]['start_frame']
e = self.patch_l[idx_patch]['end_frame']
if config.feature.type == 'waveform':
# --- X is (C, nb_time)
X = self.data_d[ audiofile ]['X'][:,s:e]
elif config.feature.type in ['lms', 'hcqt']:
# --- X is (C, nb_dim, nb_time)
X = self.data_d[ audiofile ]['X'][:,:,s:e]
if config.dataset.problem in ['multiclass', 'multilabel']:
# --- We suppose the same annotation for the whole file
y = self.data_d[ audiofile ]['y']
# --- We take the corresponding segment of the annotation
y = self.data_d[ audiofile ]['y'][s:e]
return {'X':X , 'y':y}
train_dataset = TagDataset(hdf5_audio_file, pyjama_annot_file, do_train=True)
valid_dataset = TagDataset(hdf5_audio_file, pyjama_annot_file, do_train=False)
Models in pytorch are usually written as classes which inherits from the pytorch-class nn.Module
Such a class should have
method defining the parameters (layers) to be trained anda
method describing how to do the forward with the layers defined in__init__
(for example how to go fromX
class NetModel(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, config, current_input_dim):
self.layer_l = []
self.model = nn.ModuleList(self.layer_l)
def forward(self, X, do_verbose=False):
hat_y = self.model(X)
return hat_y
In practice, it is common to specify the hyper-parameters of the model (such as number of layers, feature-maps, activations) in a dedicated .yaml
In the first notebooks, we go one step further and specify the entire model in a .yaml
The code then becomes much more readable.
The class
allows to dynamically create model classes by parsing this file
Below is an example of such a .yaml
name: UNet
- sequential_l: # --- encoder
- layer_l:
- [BatchNorm2d, {'num_features': -1}]
- [Conv2d, {'in_channels': -1, 'out_channels': 64, 'kernel_size': [3,3], 'stride': 1, 'padding': 'same'}]
- [Conv2d, {'in_channels': -1, 'out_channels': 64, 'kernel_size': [3,3], 'stride': 1, 'padding': 'same'}]
- [Activation, ReLU]
- layer_l:
- [StoreAs, E64]
- layer_l:
- [BatchNorm2d, {'num_features': -1}]
- [Conv2d, {'in_channels': -1, 'out_channels': 128, 'kernel_size': [3,3], 'stride': 1, 'padding': 'same'}]
- [Conv2d, {'in_channels': -1, 'out_channels': 128, 'kernel_size': [3,3], 'stride': 1, 'padding': 'same'}]
- [MaxPool2d, {'kernel_size': [2,2]}]
- [Activation, ReLU]
- layer_l:
- [StoreAs, E128]
- layer_l:
- [BatchNorm2d, {'num_features': -1}]
- [Conv2d, {'in_channels': -1, 'out_channels': 256, 'kernel_size': [3,3], 'stride': 1, 'padding': 'same'}]
- [Conv2d, {'in_channels': -1, 'out_channels': 256, 'kernel_size': [3,3], 'stride': 1, 'padding': 'same'}]
- [MaxPool2d, {'kernel_size': [2,2]}]
- [Activation, ReLU]
- layer_l:
- [StoreAs, E256]
- layer_l:
- [BatchNorm2d, {'num_features': -1}]
- [Conv2d, {'in_channels': -1, 'out_channels': 512, 'kernel_size': [3,3], 'stride': 1, 'padding': 'same'}]
- [Conv2d, {'in_channels': -1, 'out_channels': 512, 'kernel_size': [3,3], 'stride': 1, 'padding': 'same'}]
- [MaxPool2d, {'kernel_size': [2,2]}]
- [Activation, ReLU]
- sequential_l: # --- decoder
- layer_l:
- [BatchNorm2d, {'num_features': -1}]
- [ConvTranspose2d, {'in_channels': -1, 'out_channels': 256, 'kernel_size': [2,2], 'stride': [2,2]}]
- [Conv2d, {'in_channels': -1, 'out_channels': 256, 'kernel_size': [3,3], 'stride': 1, 'padding': 'same'}]
- [Conv2d, {'in_channels': -1, 'out_channels': 256, 'kernel_size': [3,3], 'stride': 1, 'padding': 'same'}]
- [Activation, ReLU]
- layer_l:
- [CatWith, E256]
- layer_l:
- [DoubleChannel, empty]
- [BatchNorm2d, {'num_features': -1}]
- [ConvTranspose2d, {'in_channels': -1, 'out_channels': 128, 'kernel_size': [2,2], 'stride': [2,2]}]
- [Conv2d, {'in_channels': -1, 'out_channels': 128, 'kernel_size': [3,3], 'stride': 1, 'padding': 'same'}]
- [Conv2d, {'in_channels': -1, 'out_channels': 128, 'kernel_size': [3,3], 'stride': 1, 'padding': 'same'}]
- [Activation, ReLU]
- layer_l:
- [CatWith, E128]
- layer_l:
- [DoubleChannel, empty]
- [BatchNorm2d, {'num_features': -1}]
- [ConvTranspose2d, {'in_channels': -1, 'out_channels': 64, 'kernel_size': [2,2], 'stride': [2,2]}]
- [Conv2d, {'in_channels': -1, 'out_channels': 64, 'kernel_size': [3,3], 'stride': 1, 'padding': 'same'}]
- [Conv2d, {'in_channels': -1, 'out_channels': 64, 'kernel_size': [3,3], 'stride': 1, 'padding': 'same'}]
- [Activation, ReLU]
- layer_l:
- [CatWith, E64]
- layer_l:
- [DoubleChannel, empty]
- [BatchNorm2d, {'num_features': -1}]
- [Conv2d, {'in_channels': -1, 'out_channels': 1, 'kernel_size': [3,3], 'stride': 1, 'padding': 'same'}]
- [Conv2d, {'in_channels': -1, 'out_channels': 1, 'kernel_size': [3,3], 'stride': 1, 'padding': 'same'}]