

To help understanding what a dataloader should provide, we use a top-down approach.
We start from the central part of the training of a deep-learning model.
It consists in a loop over epochs and for each an iteration over batches of data:

for n_epoch in range(epochs):
  for batch in train_dataloader:
    hat_y = my_model(batch['X'])
    loss = my_loss(hat_y, batch['y'])

In this, train_dataloader is an instance of the pytorch-class Dataloader which goal is to encapsulate a set of batch_size paris of input X/output y which are each provided by train_dataset.

train_dataloader = = train_dataset,
                                                batch_size = batch_size,
                                                shuffle = True)

train_dataset is the one responsible for providing the X and the y.
It is an instance of a class written by the user (which inherits from the pytorch-class Dataset).

Writing this class is probably the most complex part.
It involves

  • defining what should the __getitem__ return (the X and y for the model) and

  • provides in the __init__ all the necessary information so that __getitem__ can do its job.


Fig. 3 Writting a Dataset class#

  1. It involves defining X

  • what is the input representation of the model ? (X can be waveform, Log-Mel-Spectrogram, Harmonic-CQT),

  • where to compute it

    • compute those one-the-fly in the __getitem__ ?

    • pre-compute those in the __init__ and read them on-the-fly from drive/memory in the __getitem__ ?

In the first notebooks, we define a set of features in the package (feature.f_get_waveform, feature.f_get_lms, feature.f_get_hcqt).

We also define the output of __getitem__/X as a patch (a segment/achunk) of a specific time duration.
The patches are extracted from the features which are represented as a tensor (Channel, Dimension/Frequency, Time).
In the case of waveform the tensor is (1,Time), of LMS it is (1,128,Time), of H-CQT it is (6,92,Time).
To define the patch, we do a frame analysis (with a specific window lenght and hope size) over the tensor.
We pre-compute the list of all possible patches for a given audio in the feature.f_get_patches.

  1. It involves mapping the annotations contained in the .pyjama file (such as pitch, genre or work-id annotations)

    • to the format of the output of the pytorch-model, hat_y, (scalar, matrix or one-hot-encoding) and

    • to the time position and extent of the patches X.

  2. It involves defining what is the unit of idx in the __getitem__(idx).
    For example it can refer to

    • a patch number,

    • a file number (in this case X represents all the patches a given file) or

    • a work-id (in this case X provides the features of all the files with the same work-id).

Below is an example of such a dataset code. We first get all the information ready.

class TagDataset(Dataset):
    def __init__(self, hdf5_audio_file, pyjama_annot_file, do_train):

        with open(pyjama_annot_file, encoding = "utf-8") as json_fid: data_d = json.load(json_fid)
        entry_l = data_d['collection']['entry']

        # --- get the dictionary of all labels (before splitting into train/valid)
        self.labelname_dict_l = f_get_labelname_dict(data_d, config.dataset.annot_key)

        self.do_train = do_train
        # --- The split can be improved by filtering different artist, albums, ...
        if self.do_train:   entry_l = [entry_l[idx] for idx in range(len(entry_l)) if (idx % 5) != 0]
        else:               entry_l = [entry_l[idx] for idx in range(len(entry_l)) if (idx % 5) == 0]

        self.audio_file_l =  [entry['filepath'][0]['value'] for entry in entry_l]

        self.data_d, self.patch_l = {}, []

        with h5py.File(hdf5_audio_file, 'r') as audio_fid:
            for idx_entry, entry in enumerate(tqdm(entry_l)):
                audio_file= entry['filepath'][0]['value']

                audio_v, sr_hz =  audio_fid[audio_file][:], audio_fid[audio_file].attrs['sr_hz']
                # --- get features
                if config.feature.type == 'waveform': feat_value_m, time_sec_v = feature.f_get_waveform(audio_v, sr_hz)
                elif config.feature.type == 'lms':    feat_value_m, time_sec_v = feature.f_get_lms(audio_v, sr_hz, config.feature)
                elif config.feature.type == 'hcqt':   feat_value_m, time_sec_v, frequency_hz_v = feature.f_get_hcqt(audio_v, sr_hz, config.feature)

                # --- map annotations
                idx_label = f_get_groundtruth_item(entry, config.dataset.annot_key, self.labelname_dict_l, config.dataset.problem, time_sec_v)

                # --- store for later use
                self.data_d[audio_file] = {'X': torch.tensor(feat_value_m).float(), 'y': torch.tensor(idx_label)}

                # --- create list of patches and associate information
                localpatch_l = feature.f_get_patches(feat_value_m.shape[-1], config.feature.patch_L_frame, config.feature.patch_STEP_frame)
                for localpatch in localpatch_l:
                    self.patch_l.append({'audiofile': audio_file, 'start_frame': localpatch['start_frame'], 'end_frame': localpatch['end_frame'],})

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.patch_l)

We then pick up the information corresponding to an idx, here the unit is a patch.

    def __getitem__(self, idx_patch):
        audiofile = self.patch_l[idx_patch]['audiofile']        
        s = self.patch_l[idx_patch]['start_frame']
        e = self.patch_l[idx_patch]['end_frame']

        if config.feature.type == 'waveform':    
            # --- X is (C, nb_time)
            X = self.data_d[ audiofile ]['X'][:,s:e]
        elif config.feature.type in ['lms', 'hcqt']:  
            # --- X is (C, nb_dim, nb_time)
            X = self.data_d[ audiofile ]['X'][:,:,s:e]

        if config.dataset.problem in ['multiclass', 'multilabel']:
            # --- We suppose the same annotation for the whole file
            y = self.data_d[ audiofile ]['y']
            # --- We take the corresponding segment of the annotation
            y = self.data_d[ audiofile ]['y'][s:e]
        return {'X':X , 'y':y}

train_dataset = TagDataset(hdf5_audio_file, pyjama_annot_file, do_train=True)
valid_dataset = TagDataset(hdf5_audio_file, pyjama_annot_file, do_train=False)


Models in pytorch are usually written as classes which inherits from the pytorch-class nn.Module.
Such a class should have

  • a __init__ method defining the parameters (layers) to be trained and

  • a __forward__ method describing how to do the forward with the layers defined in __init__
    (for example how to go from X to hat_y).

class NetModel(nn.Module):

    def __init__(self, config, current_input_dim):
          self.layer_l = []
          self.model = nn.ModuleList(self.layer_l)

    def forward(self, X, do_verbose=False):
        hat_y = self.model(X)
        return hat_y

In practice, it is common to specify the hyper-parameters of the model (such as number of layers, feature-maps, activations) in a dedicated .yaml.

In the first notebooks, we go one step further and specify the entire model in a .yaml file.

  • The code then becomes much more readable.

  • The class model_factory.NetModel allows to dynamically create model classes by parsing this file

Below is an example of such a .yaml file.

    name: UNet
    - sequential_l: # --- encoder
        - layer_l:
            - [BatchNorm2d, {'num_features': -1}]
            - [Conv2d, {'in_channels': -1, 'out_channels': 64, 'kernel_size': [3,3], 'stride': 1, 'padding': 'same'}]
            - [Conv2d, {'in_channels': -1, 'out_channels': 64, 'kernel_size': [3,3], 'stride': 1, 'padding': 'same'}]
            - [Activation, ReLU]
        - layer_l:
            - [StoreAs, E64]
        - layer_l:
            - [BatchNorm2d, {'num_features': -1}]
            - [Conv2d, {'in_channels': -1, 'out_channels': 128, 'kernel_size': [3,3], 'stride': 1, 'padding': 'same'}]
            - [Conv2d, {'in_channels': -1, 'out_channels': 128, 'kernel_size': [3,3], 'stride': 1, 'padding': 'same'}]
            - [MaxPool2d, {'kernel_size': [2,2]}]
            - [Activation, ReLU]
        - layer_l:
            - [StoreAs, E128]
        - layer_l:
            - [BatchNorm2d, {'num_features': -1}]
            - [Conv2d, {'in_channels': -1, 'out_channels': 256, 'kernel_size': [3,3], 'stride': 1, 'padding': 'same'}]
            - [Conv2d, {'in_channels': -1, 'out_channels': 256, 'kernel_size': [3,3], 'stride': 1, 'padding': 'same'}]
            - [MaxPool2d, {'kernel_size': [2,2]}]
            - [Activation, ReLU]
        - layer_l:
            - [StoreAs, E256]
        - layer_l:
            - [BatchNorm2d, {'num_features': -1}]
            - [Conv2d, {'in_channels': -1, 'out_channels': 512, 'kernel_size': [3,3], 'stride': 1, 'padding': 'same'}]
            - [Conv2d, {'in_channels': -1, 'out_channels': 512, 'kernel_size': [3,3], 'stride': 1, 'padding': 'same'}]
            - [MaxPool2d, {'kernel_size': [2,2]}]
            - [Activation, ReLU]
    - sequential_l: # --- decoder
        - layer_l:
            - [BatchNorm2d, {'num_features': -1}]
            - [ConvTranspose2d, {'in_channels': -1, 'out_channels': 256, 'kernel_size': [2,2], 'stride': [2,2]}]
            - [Conv2d, {'in_channels': -1, 'out_channels': 256, 'kernel_size': [3,3], 'stride': 1, 'padding': 'same'}]
            - [Conv2d, {'in_channels': -1, 'out_channels': 256, 'kernel_size': [3,3], 'stride': 1, 'padding': 'same'}]
            - [Activation, ReLU]
        - layer_l:
            - [CatWith, E256]
        - layer_l:
            - [DoubleChannel, empty]
            - [BatchNorm2d, {'num_features': -1}]
            - [ConvTranspose2d, {'in_channels': -1, 'out_channels': 128, 'kernel_size': [2,2], 'stride': [2,2]}]
            - [Conv2d, {'in_channels': -1, 'out_channels': 128, 'kernel_size': [3,3], 'stride': 1, 'padding': 'same'}]
            - [Conv2d, {'in_channels': -1, 'out_channels': 128, 'kernel_size': [3,3], 'stride': 1, 'padding': 'same'}]
            - [Activation, ReLU]
        - layer_l:
            - [CatWith, E128]
        - layer_l:
            - [DoubleChannel, empty]
            - [BatchNorm2d, {'num_features': -1}]
            - [ConvTranspose2d, {'in_channels': -1, 'out_channels': 64, 'kernel_size': [2,2], 'stride': [2,2]}]
            - [Conv2d, {'in_channels': -1, 'out_channels': 64, 'kernel_size': [3,3], 'stride': 1, 'padding': 'same'}]
            - [Conv2d, {'in_channels': -1, 'out_channels': 64, 'kernel_size': [3,3], 'stride': 1, 'padding': 'same'}]
            - [Activation, ReLU]
        - layer_l:
            - [CatWith, E64]
        - layer_l:
            - [DoubleChannel, empty]
            - [BatchNorm2d, {'num_features': -1}]
            - [Conv2d, {'in_channels': -1, 'out_channels': 1, 'kernel_size': [3,3], 'stride': 1, 'padding': 'same'}]
            - [Conv2d, {'in_channels': -1, 'out_channels': 1, 'kernel_size': [3,3], 'stride': 1, 'padding': 'same'}]